6-2-14 Running in the Canyon

The run itself was really relaxing (up hill). I there were a lot of people on the trail because school is out and the canyon is a few degrees cooler then the city. I was the only runner out though, and I think that was because of the heat. There was a slight breeze most of the run, and when I was on parts of the trail that were all in the sun it was quite a blessing.
Today I got a new piece of running gear. It's a RoadID wrist band. It has my name and address on it, as well as Silvia's contact information, just in case something happens to me while I am out running. It also has the words (which were my choice), "Run Giant Run" and "You can do hard things." It looks a little small on my wrist, but it's a relief to have it in case something did happen. Other running accessories I am looking at are a air of bluetooth headphones. I am tired of the cord of my headphones dangling and getting snagged in my fingers. It doesn't feel good when my hand gets tangles and I yank them out of my ears. So that's what I'm doing gadget wise. Also I really want to get a Pebble watch to have the controls for my phone on my wrist.
That's all I have time for tonight, thanks for reading.
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