Managing the Noise Between the Ears

Pre Run

Today is a day I need the run. When I was working on my undergrad running was a way I was able to manage the crap that goes on between my ears. I am having a hard time getting anything done. The noise between my ears is a lot today. I hope I make it out the door and further than a few houses down. That's what happened yesterday, I made it 4 houses away and stopped and came back. I felt defeated, I kept telling myself I would run after work. It didn't happen. My goal for today is 40 minutes.

Post Run

I made it. I did the whole 40 minutes doing a run/walk. Running really helped me to regulate my emotions. I'm still not feeling the greatest, but I am doing better than I was. What helped me get through the first half was dangling that carrot in front of me of feeling better than I was. The second half was accomplished because I had to make it home and had 20 minutes make it there to get back to work. Which I will have to start getting some more miles in to get it feeling normal. The first mile was OK, it's usually after mile one that I start to get in a rhythm and start feeling better.

It's typically a rough run when I am having mental struggles like I have been today. Today wasn't an exception. Kept saying to myself, after my minute walk, "This time I'm just going to walk for an extra minute." Then when the buzzing and beeping happen on my watch to signal the start of the one minute run I just went for another one minute run. That was the case for all but one signal toward the end. I walked for 3 minutes instead of two. Because of that I was short of the distance I was hoping for. I'll get it next time.

Tomorrow will be a very easy 30 minute slow run/walk or cross training, I've not decided just yet. Saturday I will be doing a 60 minute run/walk. I did my run today in my Brooks Ghost Max. They feel like they work out different areas of the leg than my New Balance Rebel v3 do. 

I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading.



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