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Back in the Swing of Things (8/14)

Before the Run It's been a little bit since I last went running or posted anything. I did go on vacation and did a lot of walking during thst. Last week I missed due to increased anxiety when it came time to get out. But it's a new week and I'm getting back into it. I have a 40 minute easy run today. Then tomorrow will be speed/tempo work at race pace to high intensity, Thursday a medium intensity run, and Saturday will be 4 miles at medium intensity. I did go to the running store last Wednesday and picked up 2 running shirts, they had my size, which shocked me. I had $35 dollars in discounts so they only cost my $19. It'll be nice to have 2 light weight running shirts. One is long sleeved so I won't be sporting that until it's a little cooler. The draw back is that they're both black shirts. I wish they would make big and tall running clothes in lighter colors. I heat up enough without wearing black on top of it. They did find a tank top in my size in red
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First Group Run (Walk)

This morning was my first group run at Queeny Park, there were easily over 100 people there. Considering there are 45 people in the 10k training group I am part of it makes sense that there are a lot. The run (walk) was very hilly. According to my watch, I did 25 sets of stairs during the hour-long workout. My heart rate stayed fairly low the whole time save when we faced monster hills, then it shot up high. But I didn't keel over so it looks like I'm doing alright. I met some really nice people and look forward to working with them as I train. Making new friends is always nice right? I didn't run any of the 3 miles that I did. It was all a walking effort. It was really picturesque with the gravel path that winds through a wooded area with a couple of cool-looking ponds. If I remember when I do my next group long run I'll get some pictures of where we go, there are supposed to be some nice parks that we'll be going to. I felt a little weird being in a group of peopl

Running Race Pace for 2 Miles During my Lunch

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My Friday Run

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10k Meeting and Today's Run

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Not Wanting to Run and Cloud Cover

Before the Run It's Thursday morning and I'll be candid, I am not feeling like running today. I'll still be running and my goal is to reach the 55 minute run that I have planned. I will be stepping out to lunch a little early so I can get it in and have time to change and hydrate when I get back. To help get me out on my run today I have my running clothes right behind me for easy access and a consistent reminder of what I'll be doing today. With the training I signed up for I will be going to a meeting about it Sunday night to review training plans and what not. So that's exciting that it's moving forward. Post Run It was humid outside with a lot of cloud cover today during my run. The temperature wasn't as high as it was on Tuesday which was nice. I was just shy of 5k for the run. I was reminded of the first 3/4 mile is rough, my body was yelling at me, legs were burning, heart rate was good though. I just kept focused on my heart rate and getting one foot

First Run of the Week and Signing Up for Training

Before the Run Originally I didn't run Saturday because I thought I would be able to get my run in on Monday. But due to some things that came up my schedule was changed and I am running on my normal day of Tuesday. My run today should be about a 5k at about the pace of my 5k last week. This 5k will only have one hill between mile 1 & 2, and it's not close to what the hills were last week.I will be running it today and Thursday. I did sign up for the 10k training, and filled out a few forms for it, one of which was my fastest 5k. I was happy to see I was at 36 minutes for my fastest 5k, it gave me a bit of hope that I'll be able to get back there again. Post Run I made it 2.62 miles at a slightly slower pace than my 5k. Around mile 2 the heat got me. I was also almost out of my electrolyte water and was standing in the shade. That's when I decided to just head home and be in as much shade as possible (there was hardly any). I kept a good average heart rate of 140 (z