Day 2 -28 Min- 1.24 ml

Silvia and I were at the Runner's Corner (if you're a runner you should check out the trails section) to get her a new pair of running shoes today. The sales guy was great, he talked to us and helped us feel at ease when it comes to running. He also informed me that I was in the wrong shoe size to run in. I will correct that in a couple of months when I kill my Altra Instinct (the most comfortable shoe ever). He educated us a lot (which any good salesmen should) when it comes to running. He told us about one of the runners who comes in that store who started at 400+ lbs. and has lost over 200 lbs. It's encouraging to me that someone that big dropped down in weight. The salesman said honestly that the running was only part of it, the change in fuels for the body was the bigger part (it goes to show Christine was correct with her statement on fuel). He also talked to us about trail running, which sounds so much more fun than running on the rough streets of Orem (just typing that made me laugh), so for tonight's run I will be heading to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. It should be a nice run/walk. In the book I am following, the first chapter is about how your stinkin' thinkin' effects everything around you.

Post Second Run

Silvia came with me on the brilliant idea of trail running. I should have done the math when we were told it was more effective for training purposes (by about 30%), which means that it is harder to do by 30%... My calves are on fire, or were. Going up hill, level, then uphill again was a bit much for me today, but I'll try again on my own on Saturday.
I really loved Silvia coming with me today, we are both beginner runners. When we went to the gym together it was hard because my lifting was so much different than hers. But with running we are on equal ground, if not giving her the greater advantage is a great feeling.


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