Week 2 day 2: 45 min -2 miles-

I've struggle to get this second walk in this week. I will be doing my third tonight. It was an eventful day, I picked up my second new tire for my bike (Bontrager H2 for my 29" wheels). And took an hour or so installing the front and back tire. I am now ready to start my commute to an from UVU four days a week.

So a recap of my walk last night. Silvia and I went out at 9:15ish last night. We took about a 45 minute walk, total of two miles. Starting next week I will be the distance I will need to be hitting for the next two weeks within a half an hour. It's a brisker pace than I am currently at. It was a nice walk with my wife above everything else.

The park by my house is really effective for gauging distance (one lap is a half mile). It's also next to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, and Orem Cemetary.
In the later afternoon it's nice to go around the park because there are a lot of kids out playing soccer. It brings a life to the area which is nice considering where the field is.

When it comes to the time of day I am going out I think I need to change it to mornings. The heat of summer is coming and I think it would help if I did change it. It would also increase energy in the morning, as well as decrease dehydration due to heat of the day.

I should be adding more tomorrow.



  1. So . . . you don't know me, but I stalk your blog, and then you went silent! I run some, and was very interested to see how your very ambitious plans held up. So, if for no other reason than my entertainment, keep posting!


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