6-14-13 Stinkin Thinkin can kill

Today according to the treadmill I hit a 19 minute mile... two of them actually. It was a little bittersweet, because I had just gotten down to a 15 minute mile a few weeks ago. But I guess it doesn't really matter how fast it was two weeks ago if I neglect consistency in working out.

I have been reading in "The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer" about using your brain to stay off your own attacks of doubt, and negativity. Using your frontal lobe to visualize more effective training. Picturing that you are running effortlessly... etc. So I tried this a little today at the gym. I had an audio book going on my iPad (Dresden Files book 3) and used on of my painting programs and wrote on the screen, RUNNING MAKES ME HAPPY! Though running is not able to make me do anything (because it's an activity I do), this little sign in front of me served as a good reminder the reason I am running. It's to change my life, and be healthier, stronger, and help me be more active.

As I was working out these two lovely younger women came into the gym and got on the treadmills that were a couple down from me, they were laughing and talking as they warmed up (about what... probably nuclear fission and thermodynamics, it would only make sense to talk about that while working out). What really stuck out to me was when they were not running they was having fun talking (unless laughter isn't an indication of having fun). But when they were doing their run, they were focused just on that and didn't disrupt each other. Having someone to train with seems like a wonderful thing, and to me is a grass is greener on the other side scenario. I see where having someone to train with would help to keep me away from my own thoughts, but as much help as it would be, I need to learn to handle myself.



  1. One important thing to remember when running is that progress is not smooth and linear. Runners of all levels have some days where everything is perfect, you run fast and it's easy. And there are likewise days where you run slow, things hurt and you want to puke. On bad days, you probably aren't going to hit the times that you'd like; I sure don't. But consistency in training will pay off in the long run. (pun intended)


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