6-15-13 Running With Chocolate Milk

Today I ran, and got down to a 16 minute mile. As I was on the treadmill I had a funny internal dialogue, I started out jogging and was able to maintain breath control, but my legs were getting tired.
Internal Dialogue:
"Why are you running, you could be walking..." Then I slow the treadmill down to a walk.
-5 Minutes Later
"Why are you walking, you could be running right now..." So I start to run.

This process repeated a couple of times in my head, I told my wife about it this evening as we were heading to a BBQ in the canyon by our house. We got a good laugh out of it. It did get me thinking about internal dialogues though. I have tons of them. There have been days where I go to the gym and talk myself out of running for this reason or that. But there are times where it has helped me greatly, like testing for my Black Belt, or driving on long trips and everyone else has fallen asleep.

This little dialogues we have with ourselves can have a major impact on us. I think of school this past week, I am taking a figure drawing class and was really not focused a couple of days this week. I struggled to get anything to a mostly complete state. It wasn't until Thursday that I finally was feeling better, but the class ended for the week. Now I get to prep for it again, I have been doing a lot of drawing in my sketchbook for this class since Friday. So I hope that come Monday I am more with it and am able to glean more from the class. It was that little internal dialogue that hurt me so much when it comes to drawing, but now I get to address the conversations with myself, and change them to be more supportive. Putting up though guiders is what I'm going to do. When I run, have a note in front of my to reign in my thoughts and control the internal dialogue.

With my run (onto a different subject), I felt goof today. I get to do the 5 run 5 walk next week, and am looking forward to it. This is going to be a challenge to me because of that internal dialogue. I will run Monday after class and I will try to post before I go into finish school assignments mode (this figure drawing class ends Thursday and I need to finish my sketch book).

I will post my measurements again when I go to my doctor next (I think it's later next month).

Until Next Time...

I never explained the Chocolate Milk in the title, at the end of the Tri-State Marathon in December, they will be serving chocolate milk at the finish line. So I tried some at the end of my workout. It was really satisfying! So I now have some chocolate milk for my next run. It's the little things that really bring happiness.


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