6-23-13 Family In Town

So life huh... This week started out with a great run and going hiking, but then family on vacation caught up to me. My mom came into town on Wednesday, and my brother and his family on Thursday. It's not often I get to see them, but it was really good to see them. I remembered how much I miss hanging out with my brother and his family.

I had plenty of opportunities this week to get in my other two runs I needed to, but I didn't do them. I will be doing four runs this week to get myself on schedule again.

Monday 7:00 am - 7:30 am
• 5 minute run / 5 minute walk (x3)

Wednesday 7:00 am - 7:30 am
• 5 minute run / 5 minute walk (x3)

Thursday 7:00 am - 7:30 am
• 10 minute run / 5 minute walk (x2)

Saturday 7:00 am - 7:30 am
• 10 minute run / 5 minute walk (x2)

I have decided that I am going to change to a 4 day a week program that will be consistently 4 days a week. I decided this because I want to have a consistent training schedule that I  will be able to maintain when school starts again in the fall.

Something great that my brother and I worked out was where I was going to go running when I head to St. Louis & Indianapolis this August for GenCon. The YMCA in Missouri and out hotel has a fitness center in Indianapolis.


  1. Riley maybe do more intervals, it might be to hard to go 5 and 5 when I start my training for runs I go 3x3 intervals than move to 4x2 intervals than 6x1 and hold that pace on my long runs obviously the short runs I try to just run out short being 3 -7 milers. Good luck man

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a shot with my run tomorrow.


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