Yesterday and today 6/6/13 -6/7/13

I've started to look at various training guides for a marathon, and am looking at other cooler temperature races to run. With Willcox, Az being in the lower to mid 80's to day of the race and the distance of travel to get there, I was thinking I should change which race I will run. As soon as I decide which race I am running, I will register, pay for it, and post it.

Yesterday I made it to the gym for the second time. I even went as far as riding my bike the mile to get there. Tat nasty brain of mine got in the way again... I was able to run/walk for 36 min, make an 18 minute mile. I need to be around 15 to really start training. But idid discover that my fast walking pace done in a slow run was easier of my legs.

I ask myself daily, "what am I getting myself into here?" But the answer is always the same, "I really just don't know yet."

So diet is what I am going to ramble about right now, and meal suggestion I can start working eating (that isn't pasta) would be great. My body and Italian style pasta don't like to work well with one another. Also right now I am coming off of soda, I think I need something that's sweet to replace it, but I'm not sure what. By sweet I don't mean another sugar filled replacement. Again, I'll keep everyone apprised of my situation. I've also started to (sporadically) use a of do journal, I forget a lot. I'm going to work harder at it.

 It's been one month today since I've decided to run this Marathon. It's been a challenging month, and I think the summer ahead will provide more challenges. Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi Riley -- Good for you! I'm proud of you for doing what you are doing! A few months ago I swicthed to the Dr. Joel Furhman eating plan - Eat to Live is the book that describes the plan. And, it has been an amazing plan for me and many others. Have a lot more energy, seems to crave healthy foods (that's a change!), feel full and satisfied, the lbs. are dropping off, and Furhman is a runner so he gets what you are doing :) You might check it out ... ... The best to you!! I'm following your blog and sending the best of wishes your way for lot of success!! -- Christy Oakeson

  2. You can also check out youtube for Dr. Furhman videos if you are interested :) I initially learned a lot through youtube but since I've seen him on Dr. Oz and other programs. Interesting guy! Good luck again!! -- Christy Oakeson


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