7-25-13 A Rough Day

I dislike days like today quite a bit, I've been frustrated most of the day. I didn't get enough sleep last night. My calves hurt... But it doesn't matter.

My run today was shorter, I should have just pushed the last 6 minutes and ran making it to my 3 miles. I did run two 14 minute miles which was good. I am not as afraid of my 5k on the third right now. As I get closer to my half marathon training distance I am considering signing up for a half. My thought process is to get in more actual race experience before the big day, I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.

With the breathing issue I got a call from my Doctors office and he wants me to do a stress test to check my heart out in conjunction with my shortness of breath. I want to just ignore the call but it's getting to me some, I need to rule out heart problems and just count it off as trying to run faster than I am able to handle.

Saturday I will be doing a 20 minute run, 5 minute walk, then a 5 minute walk until I reach 3.2 miles.

Well it's time to eat.


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