7-3-2013 COTTON SUCKS!!!

So I went running today (just finished a few minutes ago). I was procrastinating running when I knew I needed to do it. So I put on my breathable shorts, my running socks, my runing shoes and thought, hey I will just keep the shirt I have on and go running it won't don anything to me. I was wrong, I have a cotton shirt and cotton under shirt, if I was looking to gain wait through keeping all of my sweat after running I succeeded.

Lesson Learned Today: Change into your running clothes before you decide to run!

The good of the day:
• I set a new PR at a 13 min mile.
• I love running socks (thanks Kate for suggesting them)!
• Feel good after my work out, so good I am going to go take a shower in 5 minutes.
• I made it to the gym

The less good of the day
• I did PR on my first mile, but my second was lacking. I lost control of my breath and wasn't able to regain it.
• I am still under 10 minutes for consecutive run time (acording to my schedule I should be hitting 15 minutes right now).
• I sweat a lot, and did profusely at a job interview today.

The goods out weight the bad, so today is a god day!

Thanks for reading.



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