7-31-13 BLT the Near Perfect Food

It's been one of those days where my mind isn't anywhere productive. I headed out close to noon for my run, and could only must 15 minutes of nonstop running. I think that may be due to setting the incline on the treadmill to random, and going up and down more than I am use to. Never the less I didn't make it to my goal time for the day. So tomorrow I will aiming for double... just kidding I will be aiming for 2 miles of running which at my current pace is 25-27 minutes. Then I will walk until I reach 2.5 miles, and run my last half mile (theoretically putting me in 3 miles under 40 minutes).

Time wise I need to be running 30 minutes non stop by August 17th. Since my week of training before the 17th is at sea level it may be easier to reach that goal.

With the issue I have been having with breathing, to help resolve it I am going to be taking a treadmill test next Thursday (which is my last day of school).

Over the past 2 months I have been eating BLT's at an alarming rate. It's been very tasty. The local grocery store sells precooked bacon from their butcher for really cheaper than the regular brands. So reheated bacon, grandma sycamores wheat bread, red leaf lettuce and tomatoes still on the vine with Best Foods mayo, a dash of salt and pepper. I could eat that meal multiple times a week (and I am recently).

So a recap for the remainder of the week:

Tomorrow: The goal is 2 miles without stopping at 4.7 mph and no incline, but totaling 3 miles in preparation for my 5k.

Saturday: Run my 5k at 8:15am. Finish by 8:55 am.

Next Week on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday: The goal is 25 minutes running, 5 minute walk, run until I reach 3 miles.

On the 12th I will be doing my first early morning run before I fly out to St. Louis.

Thank you for following my blog.


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