7-8-13 2 miles in under 30 minutes

Today I fought with myself, it was a tooth and nail battle with me... but my determination to run a marathon won out and my determination to beat my running time from Saturday is what spurred me on.

It was a great day for the gym, and I am so happy I went. I was being stubborn and didn't make it until 7:00pm. So on the TV's in front of me I WWE, How I Met Your Mother, and Family Guy, while listening to Dresden Files Blood Rites.

So why was today great? I ran a mile in under 13 min, that was having the treadmill set at 5 which is around a 12 minute mile. I took a 1 minute rest at the 10 min mark, and kept running, then my next mile was 14 min 45 sec mile. So a total of 27 minutes for the run. I was able to catch my breath at around 8 minutes. So my breathing problems start to resolve itself.

I want to yell "HELL YEAH!" in the gym for my own victory. I look forward to my run on Wednesday (at least right now).

My goal for the end of the week is to get a 15 non stop of a run. So that would mean running over a mile non-stop, which is my first milestone. I am really close right and want to seal the deal either Wednesday or Thursday. This weekend I will do my first 3 miles. By August 3rd I will be hitting around 30 minutes of nonstop running.

After last Wednesday, my runs have gotten better and I smile thinking about them.

Good Luck,


  1. Keep on smiling Riley... You. Are. Doing. It. (So proud of you!)


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