8-1-13 Now I'm Ready for a Nap

So what do I say today... Ok here goes.
 My run today I did two miles in 25 min 40 sec. So my First mile was 0:12:55, my second was 0:12:45, my third was 0:14:15. I was stoke, I finished my first two miles with a couple of 30 sec. pauses because my lungs were fighting me. When I got to around 20 minutes and stepped off to catch my breath, it was so hard to start running again, but I got back and kept going. I feel like I am ready enough for running in a 5k Saturday.

Here's a funny story that concluded all of 5 seconds ago. Earlier this week I decided I needed to find my Polar heart rate monitor. So I tore apart our second bedroom (which has all of my art supplies). The rom was taken apart. I searched through any drawer it might be in, any bookshelf, and nook, andy cranny, and everywhere else. Then today as I am sitting in my comfy chair I stretched to reach for my glasses which should have been behind me. I thought I would find what I was looking for (I wasn't looking and didn't think anything of it). I felt a rubberry bracelet and pulled it up, and behold my polar watch!

Talking about watches, I have been looking at a lot of watches. I have decided if I am still running after my marathon (which I hope to be), I will invest in a GPS watch. Does anyone out there in internet land have any suggestions.

Until next time (after my 5k Saturday).


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