8-11-13 My poor legs

Today is unusual for me. I am sitting here in bed typing up a post on my iPad instead of my trusty laptop. I am doing that for two reasons. First I am avoiding getting ready for the day, which would mean walking around the house, and more painfully walking down the stairs. My wife is getting things organized for her church calling downstairs and by me being up here it means it's less likely I will be asked to cover for someone who isn't there... but chances are I will cover for someone. The main reason I am typing in bed is because my legs are really bothering me. I even got a massage last night and it still feels like there are hot irons in my calves. I really wish I had some bio-freeze. It just smells like healing.
I will put on this lotion called deep blue that my wife gets and call it good as I get in the shower and make my way down stairs to do the dishes, and make a checklist to make sure everything is packed for heading to St. Louis Monday then to Indianapolis later next week for GenCon (aka Gaming Nerds Paradise).I will type up another post over my 4 hours of flying.

Until Then...


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