8-19-13 The Start of Real Training

Today I barely made three miles. I shouldn't have taken Saturday off from running. I would have felt so much better if I hadn't.

I did my three miles for my first official short run. It was frustrating. Have you ever started running and all the sudden you have to use the restroom, and it takes up every thought and you are unable to go full out? Well that was my run today. Next time I will just take a few minutes and use the restroom, and get back to running. I look back and shake my head wondering what I was thinking as I was on the treadmill, and it's obvious I wasn't , but I am working at it.

Last week I was in Missouri and had two lackluster runs and one awesome run. Saturday I justified my way out of running because I was on my feet for three days. I really regret that I didn't give it my all.

This week here's my run schedule.

Today: 3 Miles
Wednesday: 4 Miles Outside
Thursday: 3 Miles Treadmill
Saturday: 5 Miles Outside

Next week I start school again and will begin cross training with swimming twice a week, and play racquetball two days a week. I hope that increasing physical activity will increase lung strength as well as heart strength.

Well I think that's all for today. Until next time...


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