8-26-13 Running outside...

Today was a short run that turned long. I neglected to stretch before hand and my body didn't like what I was doing because of that. So my run today should have taken me around 40 minutes to finish, if I were on a treadmill. It's funny how much I dislike the treadmill is now becoming how I miss it because it is easier than running up inclines and on uneven ground.

I started out my run today at a slow pace to warm up a little, and then went up to my gym running speed (somehow forgetting that the first half of my outdoor runs are all up hill). My calves started to feel like they were on fire, so I made if a half mile. Not having a moving belt under my feet makes it a little harder to keep running, because if I slow down to a walk, I don't have to adjust the speed, or run the risk of doing something silly like falling off the treadmill.

Today before my run and after my days of classes (first day of school for the fall semester at UVU) I went to the Runner's Corner (running store I always talk about) and was able to ask some questions I've had about prepping for a marathon. I was given some solid advice. The first was a check to make sure I was wearing the right clothes, and how much that makes a difference (that wasn't my question but we talked about it before talking about compression socks). So I gave in and got a pair of Zoot compression socks after talking to the employee about them. She uses them herself and said that they helped increase blood flow to the legs... and some other stuff too. I tried them today, but without proper stretching I couldn't tell you if they helped or not. I will try again on Saturday with them. We talked about hydration, and came to the conclusion I need something more with me because of how much I sweat. I am training with a bulky camelpak right now and would like something a little lighter, and they had some options for me which will work well. Then rollers to stretch out IT band and other areas. The last subject was on nutrition, use of Gels. She encouraged me to start using them on my long runs periodically so I could get use to them. Because on long runs you need to replace energy being burned, so gels help with that. I forgot to mention I went in to get longer shoe laces for my running shoes. They didn't have any that would work.

Until Next Time... (insert old batman TV show ending quote here)


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