8-5-13 2 Days Later, and a lot of Thinking (and a lot of grapes)

Onto better things. I finished my run about an hour ago, it was a hard run, but I feel better because of it. I did 15 minutes of non stop running took an eight minute fast walking break (Run was at an average of 4.7ish mph, walk was at 3.7) then picked up and rand again for just over five minutes, walked another five then ran the remainder. It wsn't my best running day, but that's ok. I will be trying a couple of new things this week. The first is running outside for 3 miles. I have an awesome app on my iPad that lets me make running routs along trails and roads. So I have planned out a 3 mile loop that is quiet in the morning. I will need to run in the morning because the heat of the days here in Utah can get higher than someone should run in in the afternoon (unless you like running in the heat). The other thing I am going to try on Thursday is doing a miracle mile (check out http://www.jeffgalloway.com/ if you don't know who he is. If I do one of these for my short run every other week I can get an idea of what my pace will be, and if I will be able to finish in the 6 hours that we're given to run the race. If I keep monitoring my running with the miracle mile and start integrating his techniques, I think I will be able to prepare myself better for my Marathon.
After I posted about my 5k, I read the comment left and decided to run more races before the big on. So here are the two additional races I will be doing in September and October. I wanted to do one in November as well but couldn't find one that worked with my schedule, but I'll keep looking.
Riley's 2013 Races
Funky 5k
Provo Halloween Half Marathon
I found a half marathon (Thankful 13) on November 22, and I think that would be doable with my big race 2 weeks later. I have until October at the latest to decide. It could be fun to run on Thanksgiving day then have some good food and a good nap. I would have to swap a 16 mile day with an 18 mile day, or just run from my inlays to the race, and from the race to my in-laws, that would finish off my miles for that day. If we go to St. Louis to see my family it will be a different story and a nice long run at sea level.
I think I have rambled on long enough. Until Wednesday, just imagine seeing that finish line and the joy that's there as you sprint to it, and all your aches and pains go away.
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