8-8-13 It was short and sweat... I mean sweet

This morning I had my treadmill test. I thought they would attach a tube to monitor my breathing as well when I got on their Treadmill of DEATH! I didn't even make it 9 minutes, I did almost 8 minutes before I wasn't able to breath. The treadmill was really cool and designed to push the heart of the person walking on it. My blood pressure got to 200/40 right before they stopped it (it returned to normal fairly quickly. From what it sounded like my heart was ok, but I will know more tomorrow. This still doesn't solve why my breathing is so bad, unless he sees something that is causing it in my test results.

So after the Treadmill of Death I wanted to feel better about my abilities when it comes to running. So I went to the gym and got on the nice treadmill of happy no incline land and started with a brisk walk that turne into my Clydesdale trot.

Mile 1: 12.53
Mile 2: 12.39
Mile 3: 14.28 (Half a mile walk half a mile run)

I ran 2 miles non stop again, which helped to redeem my walk on the treadmill of death. I did 8 minute half mile walking and then back to running for 7 minutes (accidentally hitting the stop button with about a minute left before I hit 3 miles). I quickly smashed buttons until I was going again at the same pace I started. I finished with a Of Monsters and Men song playing. Running today was good today, I'm glad I made out. It gives me hope for Saturdays run. Saturday I will control my outdoor pace to be able to run longer and hit the 1.5 mile mark without stopping. Thanks to my mapping software I will be able to know if I did it.

Thanks for reading.


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