8-31-13 Swallowing of Blackberry Gel

Total Miles for the Week: 14.15 of 16

So today was different, I didn't have any apprehension about running 6 miles until about 10 minutes before i started today. I am happy to say I did more running (slower than I would have liked, but I did run) than I did walking. The first 2 miles were hell. I worked my way up hill and started at too fast of a pace to finish it in a good amount of time. I stretched in the shower before I left to run, hoping that would be enough. I need to get out my sports massage and stretching books from massage school and redesign my stretching so it works better for what I'm doing. Today was the first time my IT band started to hurt some, I'll need to address that too.

So I posted I would be trying gel for the first time today as I ran. I didn't expect what hit my mouth as I was squeezing it in. I laughed after I had it. If you have never had gel (quick caffeine and carbs as you run, in a handy pouch). I took it when I reached the three mile mark. It's texture was like gel toothpaste, thick and smooth. Part of me wanted to chew it, another part wanted to spit it out, but the part that won just swallowed it and quickly drank some water afterward. It worked surprisingly well. But I believe that my attitude change after mile two helped it greatly.

Starting at mile 2.1 I started to have an attitude shift from hating life to wanting to push further. At the 1.5 mile mark I had justified to myself that I would go to the gym and run three more miles and finish my run that way. I would have regretted it if I did end up doing that. But I did turn and started running toward my car again, but by the time mile two was coming around I decided to run a mile and a half past my car and complete my 6 miles for the day. When I ran past where my car was, that was a great feeling. The side of my mind that wants to succeed was taking over. My last three miles I did a slow run almost the entire time (taking two 2 min breaks). I finished my run in 1:33. My last 2 miles were in 43 min compare to my first three which were 50. So it took 2 miles to have fun with running today, but I am looking forward to my new schedule next week for running.

Next Races:
3.1 for Don 5k: September 21
       I will be running the 3.1 in the morning and 7 more miles after the race. My goal is to beat my last time.
Provo Halloween Half Marathon: October 26
       Hopefully I will be sprorting a Batman technical shirt to run in (sans cape and cowl) this will act as my            long run for the day. Then my wife and I will do something for our anniversary. My goal is to finish.
Thankful 13 5k: November 28
       This is a maybe. It depends on what Silvia and I do for turkey day. My goal is to PR and have fun.
Tri-State Marathon: December 7th
       Just over 3 months away. My goal is to finish it.

Until Monday!



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