9-11-13 Solid Run and Feeling Better

Tonight I had to squeeze in my run I slept through this morning. And because of that I have another 3/4 of a mile run to hit my distance goal for the week. Tomorrow morning I will be getting in the last of my pre long run miles.

I made it to a nutrition class for running at the Runner's Corner tonight. Here's what I learned

The benefits of caffeine on a long runs:
With caffeine it is a nutritional supplement that should not be consumed before a race, because it can hurt your time if you are running to get a better time by causing a rapid jump in consumption of fuel in the body, causing the wall to happen faster. Once you start taking it during a race you need to continue at regular intervals. When running the body will metabolize caffeine differently, and utilizes it for endurance energy.

The correct time to use gels:
A general rule is to wait until you are 60 min into the run. The every 30-45 minutes after that. This is according to multiple record holders. They also suggested to have your last two gels as caffeinated gels, to help you pass through the wall that happens when you deplete your carbohydrates and need some more endurance for your run. So with the current pace I am running I will go through two gels on my 8 mile run, the second gel will be at the 90 minute mark which should be close to the end of me running.

Carbohydrate Depletion the Loading:
Here is the pre-race carbohydrate routine that was suggested, Carbohydrate depletion. After running your 5k the Saturday before your big race you cut out all cards and only take in protein and fat (the good kind) and veggies. You continue this until you reach Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. You will run a few warm up miles and then finish with one speed mile, giving it all you got. Then after that you do your Carb-loading. The idea is that your body will store 20% more of the carbohydrates that you need when you run. You will continue this until lunch the Friday before your Saturday race (obviously adjust the days of the week to match your race day). The Friday you get to have a Cafe Rio chicken burrito and snack the rest of the day. Then wake up a few hours before you start your race and have a low on the glycemic index breakfast (oatmeal, bagel with peanut butter, banana), then an hour before your run have some yogurt or something like that. About 20 minutes before you run a little something more. That should set you up for the right blood sugar and optimal energy for your race

Thanks for sharing your time with me...


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