9-2-13 Theme Song, The Prodigy: Thunder

Today was a good run. It's really nice outside right now and I should have ran in the canyon but I was feeling lazy and ran at the gym. I did set my incline to 2 (what ever that means). By the time I left the gym I was spent, then I went to the car and got a peach ring (or 2) and munched on those as I started my Gatorade Rain Lime flavor (it's a toss up between that and grape rain for the best flavor).

I was doing some reading this morning when I was procrastinating going to the gym. It was about energy gels. I have some cliff chews on top of my fridge I am going to try on Saturday pre-run when I do my 7 miles (Saturday is also the 4 month mark of the journey). I will also use the gel while I run. It helped a lot this past Saturday and the taste was tolerable.

Right now I am mentally prepping for my half marathon in October (but reading as much as I can about strategies. I found one that I tried for the first time last week and did again today with similar success. I run 1 mile, walk 2 minutes, run another mile, walk 2 minutes (rinse wash repeat). It feels natural to me and seems to be a solid method for running. I have the goal by my next 5k to be able to run the entire thing without stopping (which is completely doable with the level I am at right now).

Listening to my MP3 player as I run everything comes on that has a good tempo. I have been particularly liking The Prodigy when it comes to running. It's high energy. If you would like to give the song mentioned in the title of this post here is a link to it on YouTube (it's much better when running than just listening to it).

Until next time, have a great Labor Day (I'm off to the running store)


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