9-24-13 Conversations with yourself

Have you ever noticed when you get really into something you start talking to yourself? It may be an internal conversation or out loud (people look at your funny when it's out loud and in public). I do it when I am into a piece of art I am working on and when I run. It goes to show that I'm getting into running if I am doing things during it that were almost exclusive to working on a painting. Tonight my conversation was the repeating of my affirmation to the best of my recollection. I was telling myself over and over again that My legs are strong, my lungs are strong, and my mind is strong. It worked, I made it through my distance I needed to hit tonight.

Tonight I did a measly 5 miles... who am I kidding 5 miles is still quite a bit of distance, and I have learned to respect the distances I am facing each run. I am excited for my 4 mile run Thursday because it's another short run for the week, but I miss out on the miles past 4 where I start to find my rhythm. I really like the miles past about 2.5, because my legs don't feel like they do during my warm up and first couple of miles. I would like to believe tonight was all fantastic that I ran 5 miles, but I am realizing that I really miss my sports beans for electrolyte replenishment. I was able to keep my water intake at a reasonable level but was super thirsty at the end and my body needed the fuel replenishment. I have a new respect for Gatorade and am only going to use it when needed, it is no longer a recreational drink for me.

It's a short post tonight, I need to order some Jelly Belly Sports Beans off of Amazon if they have them).


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