9-26-13 On track to accomplish my goals

I ran this morning and tried my little system of run until 3/4 a mile then run faster. I survived the first two miles like that but 3 and 4 were not going to happen. I am consistent with about a 13 minute mile for all 4 miles right now, which is nice. But I want to be consistent and faster, more important I want to complete a marathon.

Saturday I will be running 11 miles. It seems like a bog task to me. I am a little intimidates by the distance. I will be 2 miles off from running a half marathon, which I run one month from today, I am expecting to PR, :).

I am scared to run these long distances. They are intimidating. The more and more I read about marathons the more overwhelmed I get by the distance. I am running this because I want to, and I have to remember that every time I start to get overwhelmed. Right now I am trying to decide if I want to run another race after this one. I think I do but want to experience what it's like first before I decide. Maybe running a half will help me have greater insight.

Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment where I will weigh in and do my measurements for the end of the day for anyone who's interested.

Also here's a picture from my 5k last Saturday with some friends. It was the first 5k for a couple of them.

From left: Tim & Ashley Shawcroft, Irene & Dan Gudmundson, and Me (my wife is taking the picture she didn't run)

Until Saturday!


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