9-28-13 I just ran 11 miles... really... big guys can do that?

This is going to be a two part post. First off, I missed my wake up time to run this morning, so I have to modify schedule for the day. Unlike last weekend I am not putting running at the mercy of playing, because running is fun, and I have some serious goals when it comes to running. So my schedule today will be to run at around 2pm or 3pm. I will be parking my car up at the top park in Provo Canyon and running home from there, with a loop around Riverwoods. I picked up my GU Roctane and grape electrolyte tablets yesterday. So I am prepared to utilize the nutrition I will be running with. Also yesterday I picked up a little plastic bottle thinking I would do the trick with Gels that was suggested at the running nutrition panel I went to, squeeze them into the little plastic bottle, and put water with it to make them easier to take. I got home to realize I got a couple of different flavors, so that won't be happening today. I also picked up my favorite sports beans for my shorter runs. And got some encouragement from one of the employees.

My actual run went down to Riverwoods, then up the monster Center Street hill, along 800 E. and then 400 N. for the finish.

Yesterday I weighed in at my doctors office, and retook my measurements last night to compare with what I had posted before in July.

Physical Measurements as of 9-27-13
Height: Same
Weight: 300 lbs.
Neck: 19"
Bicep: 17"
Forearm: 13.5"
Chest: 49"
Waist at Belly Button: 50.5"
Hips: 47.5"
Thighs: 27.5"
Calves: 19"
Shirt Size: XL, but own lots of XXL
Pant Size: 38/39 W  32 L

I'm happy to say that I have gone down in size enough where I need to look at new pants, and that all of my shorts are too big for me and will not be wearable next season. Nutrition... it's a hard thing.

9-28-13 The Run!!!

Scheduled Miles: 24
Actual Distance: 23.73
Week Average RPE: 3.9375

I'm exhausted. I gave it my all and should have probably downed a second gel at one point. I only did 10.34 miles and my legs won't listen to my brain at this point in time. I am so close to doing a half marathon in my training. Next week I will do a total of 26 miles (almost the distance of a marathon in training), my long run will be a total of 12 miles that I will do earlier in the day with a slightly warmer top on.

My run today was really good, even though I walked about a mile and a half at the end (and a mile or two cumulatively throughout the run). My run was slower, but I did get some longer sections of running in. I did 2.3 miles without stopping (which is a first for outside), followed by another 1 after downing my energy gel. Then I took a break. I have found that my walking breaks are getting shorter and shorter. I just get board with walking and need to start running again.

New fun rule I have when running, when every the Prodigy son Thunder comes on I have to run no matter how tired I am. I have a couple copies of the song on my MP3 player for that very purpose.

For my weekly goal I came just shy of what I wanted to accomplish, but am not sad about that in the slightest. I found out I am now 300 lbs. (25 less than when I started), I got every workout in, and I am up to date on my homework. Overall this has been a great week. Next week I will try that distance goal again, and not procrastinate as much when it comes to getting out on Saturday. I really struggled getting out the door but am very happy that I did.

I also discovered the discomfort of clothing with cotton on a longer distance, it started to really rub my foot raw towards the end of my run. I will suggest to everyone, get proper runing clothes, it helps. Also make sure to get the right clothes for the right season. Now it's time for alieve and more water.

Until next time...


  1. U know when you round up U did do 11 miles. Thinking of you today on your journey as a half marathon runs right in front of my house... kids outside cheering them on. 9/29


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