9-3-13 Runing + Swimming = Pain

This morning was a hard morning to get out of bed. I just wanted to sleep. But my sleep was becoming increasingly restless and my conscience was saying things like, "Don't justify your way out of this run. You will regret it," and "You need time to finish your entire run, you want to do this outside!" My lazier side lost (barley). I made it to the gym (not my outdoor run like I originally planned) but I made it out and that's what mattered today. I cut my run short so I could make it to my first class of the day, swimming. I did 200 meters, and tweaked my shoulder and right thigh (they are doing better after resting most of the afternoon as I painted my comp (in the process of doing art you often have stages, Thumbnails, Roughs, Comps, then final piece). So swimming beat me up, and I am looking forward to being more than just the underwater no form swimmer. Whose idea was it to run on Tuesday again... oh yeah mine.

I am off to my next class, until next time.



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