9-5-13 FOOD!

It wasn't the the run that was hard or making it to my swimming class on time that was difficult, it was the cup of yogurt and my meds and supplements for breakfast that were, I finally got to eat at 1pm after my run at 830, swimming class at 10, and art history at 1130. Oh glorious food. I had a BBQ Blue Bacon Burger from the smoke house today for lunch, it was quite the lunch (I wish I had a second they are that good) combined with the mac and cheese, and a cool glass of water... I need more water.

My run was a little short due to getting out the house a little late. I should be able to make up the distance Saturday with my run. I will be starting on a different part of the Provo River Trail than I usually do (about a mile and a half away. I am hoping to run at a better pace than last week (by starting out slower). I really love my GPS for these outdoor runs, I am able to measure my distance better.

I am really starting to hammer my shoes with the distance I am putting on them combined with my weight. I should really figure out how to get a second pair of different shoes to increase the longevity of the pair I have.

Until Next Time...


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