9-7-13 4 Months Ago I started

This isn't Sweat
It's Liquid

Week Scheduled Distance: 17
Actual Distance: 16.58

I saw that little tag line and it fits me to a tee. I have liquid ASWESOME around me all the time. Today I really didn't think I could finish 7 miles. I did it at the gym (which seems to be the story of the week). I discovered the discomfort of chafing, and now have pro glide to help with that. I also picked up a second pair of running shoes to make sure mine last as long as possible. I was going through shoes at the Runner's Corner (where they are always super helpful) and was about to decide on a pair of the newer Altra Instinct 1.5 when I saw on the clearance table a pair of blue Altra Torin, in a size 14. I asked the price, they were $30 less than the instincts and a minute or 10 later I was walking out the door with them. Today I christened them with 7.3 miles. I need to add two more holes for lacing so I can do the ankle securing lacing.

My run was nice. I really hit my stride at around the three mile mark. My brain really fights me until then. I think it just gives up at that point. I ran the majority of the time which was great. I discovered a few things today. Electrolytes after you have been running for 45 minutes helps. I had Hammer Gel today as I ran and it helped amazingly. I started to get light headed and stopped and got a Gatorade. My light headedness went away and I was starting to feel better. It took about 15 minutes or so but I finished my Gatorade and was able to keep going. At the end of the run my legs were like jelly. The second thing  I learned was eat something real before I run (not right before but enough before where I will have energy for running). The last thing learned was about chafing. I need to start doing things now that will help to avoid it. My right nipple burns like hell. IT SUCKS!

The past 4 months, I have stuck with this health goal longer than any accept karate. I am really changing my personal family tree with this venture. I am feeling better. My legs are in pain more, but with how I feel on the inside can't be beat!

Until next time...


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