10-10-13 I remembered what I was going to write for my last paragraph yesterday

KTTape, I have to shave the area I am going to use it (of course it's silky smooth) and then apply with the right tension to each piece. I believe I messed up my first application of it, so I will try again on Saturday. My short run was the best pace I have done all week, but I was also in some of the most discomfort with this IT band issue. I will be going back to stripping it here in a few minutes. Have I mentioned I'm not a fan of Treadmills anymore? I should have headed out in the rain today and tried out my gloves ($12 on clearance at Sports Authority, last season $30. I also picked up my costume for the Provo Halloween Half Marathon, my Batman Technical Shirt, I won't be sporting a cape and cowl. I also decided I am going to save some money and buy the larger container of Hammer Gel.

Right now my long distance run is over 16 min. I am sticking with that it's due to my IT band not listening to me, and being super tight. I need to get it down to under 15 minutes, I would like to get it down in the 13 minute area where my mid range and short runs have been. But enough of those ramblings and time for the ramblings from yesterday.


So I have been thinking of what I will do after I run my marathon. I plan to keep this up to date and keep running, but The title will change again. Maybe to something like "Fartlek's: My Journey" or "Gel's They're What's for Dinner" it's a work in progress.

Of course I want to get fast now but will settle for faster. So my goal after I run my marathon is to work on increasing my speed and losing weight specifically. I will have to change up training methods to accomplish that. So here are a list of runs I would like to do in 2014 that will help with this. I would also like to try trail running at least one race. This will change depending on how much I like my marathon.

2014 Schedule
December - March
Start new training schedule with Fartlek's and other speed related things
Salt Lake City Marathon
Train for Ragnar (if doing it) otherwise gear up for another marathon
Ragnar (Maybe)
Utah Valley Marathon or Bear Lake Marathon
Canyon to Canyon 13.1 Trail Run
Wasatch Wellness Run 5k or 10k
St. George Marathon
Provo Halloween Half
Tankful 13 5k
Tri-State Marathon

Well, until Saturday.


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