10-12-13 Running with a friend

Weekly Stats
Scheduled Distance: 28 miles
Actual Distance: 28.51 miles
RPE: 3.75

So here I am, my knee is a bit sore, my belly has a Reuben and pumpkin spice cheesecake to digest (and some chocolate milk). I am about to make my Saturday shopping list, where I am going to change out some of what we normally eat with healthier things. I am pleasantly tired and could nap all day (secretly I wish I had a Mountain Dew, but it's been quite some time since I have had soda). Today is the first day where my feet have really hurt after a run. The KTTape worked really well. The draw back is part of my leg is shaved, since I am only using it on my knee.

My run today was a really nice run. It's different having someone with you. Even though it had been 20 years since we have seen each other, conversation was really encouraging. When we reached the turn around point, after going up hill for 7 miles, I was stretching and a little girl asked why I was wearing tights. It was a funny moment. I forgot to start my map my run app at the beginning of the run, so I only have the split times for my last half as well as an estimated distance on my first half of the run. I am thinking it was a little more than what I have posted. Enough about me, my friend Kate road along with me today as I ran and was really encouraging, even when the bitter cold wind started to blow on us going up hill. I wasn't prepared hydration wise for the run, I forgot to double check the amount of water in my Camel Bag, and ran out around half way. Kate had brought an extra liter of water which was a life saver. I experienced running with someone by me earlier this week when my wife met me part way up the canyon on Wednesday night, and have to say that running with someone is really fantastic. Today was the first day I didn't use music, but it was comfortable without it. I look forward to running with more people. Oh yeah, after the run we went to Kneaders.

Running nutrition, I wanted to just eat sports beans the whole way. But I downed 2 hammer gels and a stinger gel. The stinger gel uses honey and tasted more like honey than strawberry, it also had the much needed caffeine. I know I wasn't hydrated enough due to me still having cotton mouth.

Among all this I forgot to mention, I JUST FINISHED 14 MILES! How cool is that?

Something you may find interesting, the miles on my shoes is...

Black Altra Torin: 116.78
Blue Altra Torin: 69.85

Well, until next time,


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