10-14-13 Flexibility in training

Looking at my run distance it's up all the sudden to 7 miles on a typical short run day, but I decided to up my distance to my medium distance run after I finished 5 miles. My lovely wife road along with me (kinda) when I did the first 5 miles. Then we got in the car and I realized I was only 2 miles away from my medium run distance, so we pulled into one of the other parks in Provo Canyon and Silvia ran with me for 2 miles. She was such a trooper, and pushed it over a mile without stopping, then did another half a mile after a short walk. It was a good time.

So tomorrow morning my goal to get out to do my 4 miles before school and head in early to study after that, as well as work on my illustration for my narrative illustration class. I am so obsessed with running that I talk about it all the time, and it's even mixing into my school work. I am painting a current event and I chose is about a runner in Ontario who accidentally won the women's division in the 'Run for Hero's' marathon. I will post the painting on here when I have it done.

On a running note I have found that 2 sweat wicking shirts is a lot more comfortable in the cold weather that just one. I discovered this last Saturday, and forgot to share my discovery. It helps a lot with the amount of liquid awesome I produce, so I think I will be running with two layers on top from now on (I like being warm). I am also thinking of taking two hats with me when I run, so I can change into a dry one half way through. I saw an older runner with two hats (one pinned to his jacket and the other on his head) it was genius I tell you, pure genius! Right now I am leaning toward wearing my camel bag as I keep running longer distances, I am able to carry over a liter of water as well as everything I will need for the race (maybe even a ham sandwich for when I reach mile 20). So far I have been using it on my longs runs and I haven't had problems with chaffing.

Current struggles when it comes to running is my diet. I need to really get on board with one. I am still eating the same things I did before I started running, and it's not helping me at all. After I do a long run I consume more food, mainly good foods then. The worst part about all of this is that I have a ridiculous amount of knowledge on the subject. But I am struggling to apply all the crap in my head to real life. My doctor told me I had to lose more weight (I agree with him) and has given me the same suggestion as he always has, increase proteins, and this time he changed it to carbs before a couple of hours before your longs run and after your long runs. Also no gels or other nutrition that has fructose, only things with glucose since it burns slower in the body (with this one I am already using products with glucose so that was an easy transition. Now to meal plans. I need something simple (like my training program) that builds up and gets more involved over time. That's apparently what works for me. So if you have any suggestions that would fall into line with that thought process please comment and give suggestions (also no Paleo, a little too intense for me).

Well I believe I have rambled on long enough, thanks for reading today.


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