10-17-13 Not being able to sleep

It's just before 6 am. I am tired and cold and am trying to decide if I am going to go out and run now or wait until 8:30 or 9:00. It's my late day at school so I am leaning toward the sun being out as I run. Last night I didn't make it out for my short run. I dragged my wife with me to a meet and greet with a potential coach. I struggled being there ti begin with because it was such an alien environment to me. The coach;s name is Lisa Menninger. After sitting through her presentation, having a chance to meet her and knowing what my running goals are next year, I think she will be a good fit come January. She's up in SLC and it's looking like my wonderful wife and I will be moving back up north at the end of the year.

Well I have decided that going back to bed for a couple of hours is going to be my course of action. Oh  yeah to make up for no short run yesterday, I will be doing 2 today, one this morning and one tonight. Since that would be my space if I would have ran last night to this morning I am saying it's ok to do that.

Until tonight.


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