10-19-13 Roadkill vs. 16 mile run
Weekly Stats
Scheduled Distance: 31
Actual Distance: 23.44
RPE: 3.75
Today was a rough day, I have been fighting a wicked bout of depression, and it seems like my meds haven't been able to hit it. I woke up too late to make it up the canyon with my wife, and my car is in the shop so I had to figure out an alternated plan for running besides the canyon today. I really missed how quiet, safe, and running friendly it is. So before I took my first step out the door I believe I had already defeated myself when it came to running today. Depression wise I am doing better than I was this morning, but am still running on the down side.
So after the traumatic finish to my run my mother in law came and picked me up, and drove me home. I really need to get this higher distance completed. Today was the first day I didn't think I would be able to finish even my marathon when it comes up. I believe it was a form of the wall. It was a sense of complete hopelessness. The pain mixed with that SUCKED!!!
Alright about the roadkill, there was at least one piece of roadkill per mile that I ran. The skunk was the worst one, I'm just happy it wasn't a fresh skunk, it would have been even worse then.
Well, thank you for reading, and look forward to next Saturday's post which will be done after I finish my first half marathon.
Until Then,
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