10-25-13 Five things to do before a run that I learned today

1. Eat protien and whole grain an hour or so before hand, your body will like it
2. Get a good night sleep
3. Make sure your MP3 player & GPS Watch are charged and ready to go
4. Go the restroom
5. Have all your running snacks (me and my Sports Beans) and water prepped for your run

Only doing 3 out of 5 makes it a little harder to run. It was going to be a nice easy run this morning up to Bridal Vale Falls, but I missed a step and ended up being passed by this lovely couple running this morning. On there way back I had made it to a mile and was on my way back at a slow walk, and they passed me in the exact same spot. I bet that confused them greatly.

I'm a little anxious about my half marathon tomorrow, and am going to go pick up my bib in a few minutes as well as run my errands for the morning. Then I will be back with digital stylus in hand to work on my digital painting for class next week. My painting of the runner will be up once I get it back and finish it (I still have another 5 hours or so to paint on it.

Until tomorrow,


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