10-30-13 Running Form and gate analysis

Today I skipped my last class at school and went running, I had an appointment for a gate analysis to improve my mechanics when running, helping my movement to become more effortless. I'll go on about that a little later in this post.

My first run today was a total of 6.09 miles. I wish I would have brought my gloves. I made it to mile 2 and it started to to sleet outside. It started to accumulate on the bill of my hat, which was kinda fun. So I had two miles sleet to run in, it was very cold, which leads me to the desire to get a rain jacket for running. It rained off and on for the remainder of my run, nothing as bad as the sleet though. The 6 miles were all under 14 minutes, with an average of 13:47. I had more energy to push myself more throughout the entire run, or it required less energy for increased effort. So I finished and got home and was soaking wet, and still had my two miles of speed drills to do.

At the gym I did my second run, I ran faster than I could handle for my first half mile. That caused my body to drain of energy really fast. Even now I am completely spent when it comes to energy. I felt like I dragged myself to finish that run. Also keeping the good form I learned at my analysis was super hard. I gave it my all today and am looking forward to getting to bed.

Gate analysis. I went back to Lisa Messigner the coach from the Salt Lake Running Company to get a gate analysis. It turns out good form in one physical activity carries over to other activities as well. With massage to apply deeper pressure and minimize potential injuries to the body you need to learn to stack your joints. Proper form relates to that. The steps are simple, stand tall, make sure pelvis is helping to get the right muscles engaged, lean the body forward slightly, and make sure your knees point forward and legs moves under it. When I was getting the analysis I was able to get the form quickly, however when I was on my own it took more effort and was harder to maintain. Lisa said that she works with all of her runners on utilizing this technique, and is able to monitor them on a weekly basis. I will see her again in two weeks, when I head to SLC for a foam roller workshop.

Thanks for reading everyone, time for more sustenance.


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