10-31-13 Trick or RUN!

I couldn't run worth anything tonight, and I forgot my MP3 player. I have been home for just over a half an hour and still haven't changed back into my regular clothes.

It was a hard run. Maybe you weren't reading when I tried trail running all of once. I started the trail made it less than a mile stopped the trail and continued somewhere else that wasn't a trail. I have not gone back to it. Tonight I tried the new form I learned. I started to pick up momentum faster, and ran out of steam fairly quick. So I ran for almost half of every mile. My calves were burning as I ran, but then I remembered to relax. It helped a lot. This form will take some getting use to, but I feel it's an improvement over how I was running. My joints didn't bother me at all, which is nice.

Right now I need food and a day off from running. Maybe I will try to resist talking about running tomorrow (yeah right). I am still finding that it's the only topic I can talk about with everyone. Even when I get the response from a friend laughing at the thought of running, I keep going. So if you want to running nerd out, feel free to. Just keep in mind people who know you will think you have gone nuts.

Until next time,

P.S. Happy Halloween!


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