10-7-13 A blister under a callous... I'm a real runner now

Last night my callous on my left big toe was hurting beyond what I have experienced before with a deep callous. I was looking at it and it looked like I had something more going on. It turns out I had a blister under my callous. I was finally able to take care of the blister then use an emery board to attack the callous. It all feels much better now.

I have a 4 mile run tonight and I am going to attempt it at a faster speed than I normally run on a treadmill (which I am convinced is a lesser devil of monotony). I am going on the treadmill because of the time I get done with school (if I am off earlier I will do 4 miles in the canyon while I can.

Me and treadmills are like me and running outside about 3 or 4 months ago. I really am not liking it. Outside I get the chance to see change as I run. I get to experience progression in my mental map. I am going to do what I can to make it out tomorrow to the canyon. I should have went to the canyon tonight, I had time and it would have been nice.

I didn't think I would be able to do 4 miles tonight, but I did it. I did two slow miles and two decent miles at about 12:30+ each. My first and third mile were the best.

On more fun news I got the IT band stripper roller thingy, which I am going to use here in about 5 minutes. I also got my gels and sports beans for this weeks runs and got the awesome little pep talk from the employees at the Runner's Corner. They are always so encouraging.

Well Until Tomorrow,


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