10-9-13 Bugs, the new protein snack when running

I stopped to walk and my mouth was open, and a bug saw fit to become an early run snack. I was hacking and coughing almost the following 4 miles.

Tonight I almost didn't make it out. I have been in a moderate depression, and was sitting in my chair figuring out if I could manage doing a 4 mile run then a the next day do a 14 mile run. Before I knew it 5:00 pm came around and I was up stairs changing clothes, getting my running gear on. It was a habitual move that happened. My training took over and I was about to leave, my wife called as I opened the door, it was cold so I grabbed my long sleeve base layer, put it on and went back out. Tonight I ran from Vivian Park to the mouth of the Provo canyon.

Running tonight I did discover that downhill really does a number on my left knee. Tomorrow I am picking up some KTTape to see if that can alleviate some stress to the joint. My right leg is doing just fine. The interesting thing is that it was always my right knee that gave me issues and that I have worn a knee brace on before. But it seems to be doing fine. I am also using my new toy to strip my IT band and all the muscles under that, as well as my front quads.

At school I found out on of the other guys in the illustration program runs marathons. He just ran the St. George at 2:43:+ and has been great to talk to. It's nice to have someone to talk to that has done what I am aiming to do. I have been able to pass on some of the information I have learned on to him especially in regards to nutrition, use of gels and carb binge and loading.

In closing... I really had something to say, but I have forgotten it at this point in time, so until next time.


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