11-11-13 Back on track

Tonight was a good run. My patient wife road her bike with me in the dark as I ran. She sang girls camp songs as she road until she ran out. Whenever she starts singing those it brings a smile to my face because I can see how much fun is associated with those songs. She had a head lamp on her helmet and was acting as the primary light source for us as I ran and she road. Every time she stopped for a few moments, I got ahead of her. She then road to catch up and said,"You're so fast!" I smile and say thank you and pretend I am for a moment. It was really encouraging and I liked hearing her say that. She is a constant source of encouragement for me. I don't know what I would do without her.

The run itself was a good run. A little slower than I would have liked, but after my week last week it was an absolute victory. I feel really good post run, and worked on my form as I ran. Again my IT band started to bother me, but I corrected my form and the pain just goes away. I need to keep practicing so this IT band issue will stay gone.

My goal is to head out and do 5 miles tomorrow morning and the 3 miles tomorrow night with some speed drills.

Thanks For Reading,


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