11-14-13 Movies while running, what a concept

Tonight I was running at the gym. I finished all 5 miles, while is amazing since it was at the gym and it was more than three miles. I now have all my runs accept my long run in for the week and I will get that done this Saturday.

My run today took a lot of self talk around that point where running becomes easier (outside mile 2, inside mile 3). I was convinced I was only going to get 4 miles in and stop. But I kept going after I got to 4 miles. I even had to stop the treadmill and enter the manual program I was running again (gym treadmills stop at 60 min. and for me 5 miles is just over that. It was little more over that tonight because I went to the gym tired from a tiring run yesterday.

Well, like my run this post is short tonight.

Thanks for reading,


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