11-19-13 Tapering day 1

Black Torins: 189.64

So today I had a hard time getting out. Since I had a late night out with some friends last night it made it a necessity to get out to do my 5 miler tonight. Tomorrow I will be getting my 8 miles in, then Friday I will do 5 miles and 9 miles Saturday. I will keep up with speed drills for the end of my run on Friday. Why am I doing speed drills you may ask, because I need to run faster. If you look back at my post announcing that I would be running Tri-State marathon you will notice I chose it partially because of the time cut off of 6:30:00. I was on the site on Sunday and looked at the time information, namely the cut off time. It was changed to 6:00:00. So I have been in a freak-out since then. I figured if I could get my speed drills in, it would be slight push in the direction of finishing faster. I have no idea if this will work or not, but I will prepare to run this marathon to the best of my ability, I have decided I will do all I can to finish this race in the amount of time I have.

I have been using the Jeff Galloway website to gauge my time. When it comes to the magic mile I am using my PR time 00:10:55 and am getting really close to accurate times on my training. My previous PR of 00:11:55 gave me an almost dead on time for my half marathon. So if I keep pushing this last little while I just may have a chance to finish it.

Now that I have vented, i think I can move on to a new topic. I keep losing girth, which is good. I will post my numbers a few days before the race. Also take a look at the countdown clock... just over two weeks to go. If you are reading this and are a praying person, please keep me in your prayers.

Thanks for reading,


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