11-27-13 9 days 9 hours to go

As my marathon gets closer the more determined I am to finish in the allotted time. I am exhausted right now and look forward to being able to just do shorter runs during the week for a while after my race is done. I have decided a change to my heavy racing schedule next year. Here's the changes:

January/February Change focus of running to weight loss and weight management and speed
March do a St. Patrick's Day 5k
April SLC Half Marathon.
May do a 5k
June Ragnar
July Canyon to Canyon 13.1 Trail Run (for the experience)
August Wasatch Wellness 10k
September do a 5k
October Halloween Half Marathon
November Thankful 13 half marathon or Earn Your Turkey Run

My wife and I talked and came to the conclusion that more marathon's will have to wait until I am done with my undergrad. But doing half marathons seems to be alright while going to school. Those will also give me goals to shoot for that are not school related. Also the long runs won't take me away from a day of school work.

My run tonight was alright. I did just under a 13 minute mile for my first three miles, walked a quarter mile and did 16 minute mile after that (it was on the treadmill so I did the gradual increase again, but only until I reached 5 mph, then started going back down again). I only did 4 miles tonight because I will be doing another 4 tomorrow morning. I waited too long to sign up for the thankful13, and am doing the Earn Your Turkey 4 mile run. I will be in the Clydesdale division which I like because they actually have one. My wife will be doing the 2 mile health walk with her sister and youngest brother. I'm really proud of her, she's doing something that's closer into line with the obsession I've had over the past 8 months.

Lastly, doing an event is much different than your normal training. It serves as a cherry on top after you have done training. It gives you a goal to work towards. Race day is much more fun because you are out there with others of a like mind. When you finish a race you have a great feeling. Yeah you get that to some degree as you train, but more so as you finish a race (Runner's high, legal in all 50 states). If you have never had it and want to feel something great, train for and run a 5k (here's a 9 wk program I know some people have done with great success http://www.c25k.com/). For me I really felt it after my half marathon (here's a website I follow on feedly and there guide Half Marathon for Beginners). With a race I challenge you to do one. Choose a program, and sign up for a race that fits in that time frame. I can't say something like, "If I can do it anyone can do it..." Because that's a load of bull. I'm doing something hard and have put a lot of time and energy into it, and if you want to do it, it takes commitment, time and energy. There will be days you just can't make it out. It happens. There will be days you don't want to make it out, but then you drag your ass out the door and do it, and afterward feel better than you have in a couple of days. Do something you never thought you could, but more importantly train for it. Again, I have just over 9 days until I run my marathon. I don't care if I'm the last person in, as long as I give all I have and finish.

Thanks for reading and happy Thanksgiving.


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