11-28-13 Earn Your Turkey Run... and I did

So I did a Turkey Run today, and it was 4 miles instead of a 5k (which I rambled about yesterday). My time was 47:42... which is 2 seconds slower than my first 5k time. Right now I am tired, but happy. I got the runners high from a shorter race. I can't believe I did 4 miles as fast as I did my first 5k. It's been almost 4 months and have improved that much. I didn't win a turkey or pie (at least to my knowledge), I left after I took a picture of my posted time.

The run was good.

Today we are having Thanksgiving, I am making a massive 18 lbs. turkey. I will also be making stuffing, gravy, and something else most likely. I make a good Turkey. It will also serve as a great protein source as I do my carb depletion starting Saturday. So here's the theory I picked up from a running nutrition class I went to, I may have said it before but I will do it again. The meals after the Saturday run before the race start a high protein, no carb diet for that day, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. After that you do your run on Wednesday morning, then fill up on carbs. Then Wednesday you do your run in the morning then start to carb load (good carbs, the Milky Way and Mountain Dew diet is not a valid option). On the Friday you have something with a fair amount of carbs and protein for lunch (like a Cafe Rio salad). If you have never had one and are wondering what I'm talking about try going to one when you are out west (here's there locations: http://www.caferio.com/locations). Then you snack the rest of the day, pre race you have a good breakfast (for me it will be oatmeal and a bagel with peanut butter. Also stay hydrated.

Well, I have been an absent host for a little too long and need to eat something as well. So happy Thanksgiving, or for anyone who doesn't celebrate the holiday, happy 28th of November.

Thanks for Reading,


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