11-30-13 New Pillows and New Socks... that's a good Saturday!
Scheduled Distance: 19
Actual Distance: 19.54
Average RPE: 4.875
Miles on Black Torins: 218.24

I did my run today at the gym. I intended on doing it in the canyon but sleep won this morning and I woke up an hour after my wife left, so she wasn't able to take me to my drop off point, which is all my fault. I probably wouldn't have been up at 8:30 accept we have horrible pillows and I couldn't stand sleep on it any more. I went to Costco and picked up 2 new pillows that I wanted to sleep on as soon as I put them in there pillow cases. I got to the gym after errands and working on my homework for just over an hour. So I was able to accomplish a lot more than I usually do when I go running in the middle of the day. I think 8-10 miles is just about right for a long run for me. I am able to get a good run in and burn lots of energy, eat a good meal, and get all my homework done that I need too all in one day. But I have to say that those really long runs tell you a lot about yourself, stretch you more than you are comfortable with, and leave an extremely satisfied feeling inside when you finish it.
When it comes to running, if you do it or not that's alright. But do something. On the day of my marathon it will have been 7 months since I started training. The only regret I have is not the time put in to accomplish my goal, but the quality of time I put in. Because what you put in you also get in return in a greater amount. If I would have put a greater quality in, a greater quality would have come out of it, and I wouldn't be as nervous about finishing in the time allotted to me to do so. If you don't do something physical and are reading this, your life will improve if you add something in. If you have a struggle in eating right like I do, it's time to reign it in and correct it. It's not a new year yet, and you may think I will make it a new years resolution to get healthier, to start being physical, eat right, get the sleep I need, spend more time with the people I love... well I have bad news, most new years resolutions fail. Commit to yourself today and do something about it. I had the chance to get my wife, her youngest brother and her younger sister out and do a health walk on Thanksgiving day while I did my run. I will try to get them to commit to more next year. I dare you to take a step to make a change. Commit to something and then tell everyone and their dog you are doing it. You become more accountable to yourself by bringing others in to the light about what you're doing.
Thanks for reading, I know it was a wordy post today,
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