11-4-13 Fitting in running on a ridiculously busy week

I am dripping liquid awesome everywhere. It was a short intense workout, and it was frustrating. This week is full of deadlines, a test (which involves last minute studying), and more upcoming deadlines for next weeks assignments. I wrote a whole spiel then erased it that was a rant on how much work illustrations students have to do do get a degree in what they enjoy doing. It's a lot of work, if you want to know shoot me a message and I will give you the steps of completing assignments in most classes. The reason I bring this up is because I am not sure how I am going to get my running in this week. I will do all that I can (for myself readers you're second in this equation sorry), and will have a chance Thursday morning and Wednesday night (they are both slim windows of opportunity) to try to run and I will do my best to do so. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

My run tonight I tried to teach Silvia the form that I am working on for running. It's hard to do when you are so ingrained in running a certain way. It was helpful for me and I have some ideas on how to drill it a little better when working on my own (drills I remember from high school that helped develop this form, like falling sprints etc...) This week I will be off from my goal, I will try to pick up some extra distance in my two other runs this week before my big run. Only two more big runs until I start the taper weeks.

Thanks for reading tonight I hope I made some sense.


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