11-9-13 The worst week of running in 6 months

Scheduled Distance: 36 miles
Actual Distance: 6.74 miles
RPE: Crash and Burn

I would like to preface this weeks post with a couple of things. Running with Bipolar disorder is difficult. The rise and fall of moods (at times the littlest thing will cause the trigger). I had a breakdown this week, I hit the wall in my training, and haven't been able to pass it mentally. I have for the most part recovered from the breakdown. I am still a little sensitive emotionally which is one of the things that lingers after I cycle. I am up to date on all of my homework, and no major assignments are do next week. So I should be able to get my entire training session in next week.

I missed so many miles this week and need to move past it. I have a bigger week ahead of me starting Monday. I made a futile attempt at running today making a visit to the gym where my wife and I are staying for our late anniversary getaway. I thought if I loaded up my iPad with movies I would be able to do the treadmill forever today and get to my mile goal of 18 miles... that didn't happen.

So here I am only reaching 1/6th of my target distance this week. I need to pass through this training wall that I've hit. It's going to take prayer and all the fight I have to make it through this week and to my taper weeks. I have the chance to rework some of my assignments with lower grades on them to get them to be a more professional quality. I will be doing that until I head to dinner with Silvia.

Thanks for reading,


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