12-14-13 3 Days until I run again

I finished working on two traditional pieces that I started yesterday, and the one to the right is a current event painting of the Canadian woman who started running a half marathon as a training run for her full marathon, and around mile 13 she didn't see the finish line and realized she missed a turn and asked if she could just finish the full marathon (she ended up winning the women's division). I will be doing some more touch ups Monday on things I just saw. Right now I am working on three digital paintings that are due Monday morning between 7-9 am. I will most likely do what I did on Thursday and get to campus around 6:30 the day the assignments are due and work until I absolutely can't work on them any more. Which will allow me some sleep tonight.
Because sharing with everyone my schedule helps me to keep things in order, here it is for the next three days.
8:00 AM - Up, shower, eat, and set up computer for digital painting
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Work on pieces titled, "The Great Pumpkin" and "Ghost of Christmas Present"
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Prepare lesson for kids class I teach at church (we're doing a scripture game)
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Church
4:30 PM- 6:00 PM Eat Dinner and spend some time with Silvia
6:00 PM - Finished Work on "Ghost of Christmas Present" and "Three Bears"
5:45 AM - Up and shower and eat and get out the door
6:30 AM - 8:30 AM Touch Up on Digital Paintings and work in class sketchbook
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Print assignments to turn in and turn them in
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM Work on and finish "Pumpkin Boy" painting
1:00 PM - 2:50 PM Turn in Master Copy of Figure Drawing and Doing Anatomy Figure and Structure final
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM Go home and work on and finish "Monkey King" painting
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM Finish "Mars Attacks Whoville" painting (It combines Mars Attacks and Dr. Suess)
10:00 PM - 12:00 AM Redo line work for Queensryche: Mindcrime Sequential Art
8:00 AM - Finish Repaint (digitally) Sequential Art Piece (on campus), and turn in class portfolio for Narrative Illustration
After I finish go Running!
After Run: Shower, Eat, Sleep
Next semester I am doing three days a week of classes and three days of running. It will be a heavy work load, but I will do it happily as I prepare for the SLC Half Marathon, lose more weight, get faster, and try to find a 1 or 2 day a week job. With schooling, I finish all of my classes two years from now (unless I can manage to get it done sooner), my last semester is 1 class. Well I am off to sleepy town to wake up early tomorrow and get this work done.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. My next post will be about running!
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