12-23-13 First Run Since the Race

So today was my first run since the marathon. It was a short run and that's all I could do today. I had some carbonation and that has a negative effect on me running (most likely a mental block associated with it since many people run just fine and drink carbonated drinks). I have had three since the race and each one had a less than favorable effect.

It was strange, my right knee started bothering me as ran. So I had to slow down to a fast paced walk. It looks like my slipping on the ice may have hurt me a little more than I thought.

Right now my wife and I are trying to get things together to move. It has been an extremely stressful situation for me. Running functioned as medicine for an encroaching migraine and a stress reliever. I am feeling less stress now than I was before my run. It's strange how running is able to relieve so much. The time exerting your energy allow for moments of clarity that brings things into perspective. I was able to take my mind off of what's going on right now in my life for a half an hour and it made it easier to handle. Running is quite the blessing my life. Thursday I will get out to run again.


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