12-4-13 The time draws even closer

My run was on a treadmill, which bores me to tears! I really need to make it outside to run in this weather. 

Alright here is my pre-race events for Friday and Saturday, and what I am doing to prepare for the run. This week I have been eating more carbs than normal (I didn't do the carb depletion, then load). I am not sure if I have had enough carbs though. So tomorrow I will increase carb consumption (and tonight).

Friday game plan:
• Up at 7, to start work on home work
• Double check to make sure all race day gear is ready
     • camel bag loaded
     • clothes packed
     • breakfast packed
• Work on master copy of figure drawing for 2-3 hours
• Finish 2 panels for Narrative Illustration Assignment 2-3 hours
• Eat at Cafe Rio
• Drive down to Mesquite and check into hotel
• PICK UP PACKET! (it will be at the hotel)
• Work on three bears digital painting
• HYDRATE (all day)
• 9:00 PM Bed
• Wake up after dreaming about running a marathon
• Go back to sleep
• Wake up after dreaming about running a marathon
• Go back to sleep
• Wake up after dreaming about running a marathon
• Go back to sleep
• Wake up after dreaming about running a marathon
• Go back to sleep

I don't have any superstitions that I need to do before I do a big event, accept maybe brooding around and giving an unapproachable vibe. I do that quite well. I will follow closely to what I did prerace for my half marathon, I will have a banana and a bagel with peanut butter with me and eat about an hour before the run starts.
• 5:00 AM wake up
• Shower
• Eat something small
• Paranoidadly check all my gear
• Drink more water and panic that I didn't drink enough water
• 5:30 or 5:45 make my way to the 6am bus
• Head out to the start line, pace to keep myself warm
• 7:00 AM start my Marathon
• 7:00 AM - 845 AM -- Run
• 8:45 AM - 1:30 PM -- Run More
• 1:30 PM Be finished, wearing a my medal that I earned!
• Walk around until I can't
• FOAM ROLLER /  Massage from amazing massage therapist wife
• Get into ice bath at the hotel
• Take a hot shower
• Walk around until I can't, and go to a buffet and replenish carbs and nutrients
• Come home
• Make sure my legs are stretched out and not killing me, and work on some homework
• Call it a night and go to bed

It seems simple enough when I write it all down, but the most important part of it all is finishing that race in enough time for it to count. If you read and see something I missed that I should have on there, please let me know, and I will add it to my written list.

This journey has been hard. I knew I wanted to change something about myself, and I believe I have already, but there is still a lot more I want to change. I hope that you will keep following my blog even after I run my marathon, and work towards my new goals of half marathons throughout the year. So you know I am up to suggestions for a more permanent name for my blog after I run my marathon, because the marathon is just the beginning.

Thanks for reading today, and remember I really don't like the treadmill, I though it was a torture device of some sort before, but now I just get bored.

Also to Holly who sent me the message, you are a brave woman giving up Caffeine. I think I will follow that example as well.

Until Next Time,


  1. OK, so you mentioned that after the race you want a new name for the blog and I'm trying to think of one but can't come up with one right now. I did want to share that I'm working on a new eating plan thing called Take Shape for Life and I've thought of you a couple times and wanted to mention it to you. I'm probably overstepping or something but it does provide somewhat quick weight loss (like 2 lbs a week) but would require you to cut down on running for awhile. The truth is I'm finishing my first month (it does involve meal replacements which I at first was totally against but researched for about a year and finally decided to try) and I'm missing running. I actually stopped working out and am starting back up on Monday next week but I just miss the thrill of running and wanted to say that your blog helps me through it. Let me know if you're interested in the TSFL thing... it's really about a complete habit change, kind of a big commitment but I'm dropping weight and feeling mentally clear. Anyway- I'm so excited for Saturday for you. You rock and I told your amazing wife last night that you'll be awesome and there's so many of us rooting for you. Run hard and endure!!


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