12-5-13 High of 45 and a Chance of Snow

So I am trying to get everything squared away for my marathon, and the weather is frightening me a little. At the 7:00 am start time the temperature should be below freezing and raise to freezing by the time I get down to a lower elevation. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. Here's the link to the weather if you want to check it out Mesquite Weather. I am still running, I will give it my all and I will finish the race. I have run in the rain and sleet and snow, and know I need to get a waterproof jacket to be able to really be prepared. Because of the need for a waterproof jacket I will be heading out a little earlier than expected. But I got a good start on one of my art projects today, so I should be able to stay on track with getting out the door between 1:00 and 2:00.

Right now I am a bit nervous because of the weather, but I am still going to finish this race and get the medal I will earn. I am overwhelmed because of my homework load in conjunction with my race, and how the length of training has effected my school work. I am applying to get into the BFA program this spring, and don't feel I have quality pieces of art to submit for the portfolio just yet. So I will be busting my ass off over the next two weeks to get some of the work that is less than amazing to the level it should be. Here's a link to my website where my portfolio pieces will be appearing. Riley Horn Illustration

With this blog, I want to be able to help others change like I have been changing my life. So if you know someone who could benefit from reading what I have gone through so far, please share me with them. Again, thank you everyone who reads this. My wife and I will be moving back up to Salt Lake at the end of this month, so if you are in the area and want to do a run together, I would really like that, it would help to keep me running.

Have a great night and I will post again tomorrow, the night before the big race,


  1. Hope everything goes well for you this weekend, despite the cold. I run in the cold all the time, but I've never run a race in cold weather. You may want to have some clothes to wear at the starting line that you won't mind never getting back. Some races have a method of returning stuff, a lot just donate it to DI/Goodwill. But having a big, old, ratty sweatshirt might help you stay warm at the starting line. Once you get warmed up, dump it (at an aid station) and keep going. Beginners tend to over-dress for races, but I think you've done enough foul weather runs to have a decent idea of what to wear.

    Oh, another reminder: don't do anything in the next 24 hours that you haven't done before. Don't eat anything strange, don't wear anything new for the race, don't try a new type of GU, etc.

    Oh, there is one thing that you can do in the next 24 hours that you haven't done before: RUN A MARATHON!


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